„Mediation in Youth Work” – Invitation to the conference

Zaproszenie na konferencję “Mediacja w pracy z młodzieżą” – inf. z języku polskim znajduje się na dole strony.
We are happy to invite you to an interdisciplinary student conference “Mediation in Youth Work” that will take place in Krakow on 25th of May 2018 In the Institute of Sociology of Jagiellonian University, organised in cooperation with “First ADR Kit” partnership.
If you are interested in active or passive participation please fill in the registration form by 20 May 2018
The aim of the conference is to discuss mediation – one of Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (ADR) and its role and use in work with young people aged 13-30. We will focus on different ideas on how to implement mediation and ADR in youth education, the role of conflict in youth development and application of non-formal learning in the field of conflict resolution education.
The event will constitute of the following panels:
- “I need” instead of “I want”. Mediation as a tool to identify needs and common interests of the parties to the conflict.
- How to teach youth conflict resolution. Role of non-formal education in shaping attitudes and skills of young people, with special focus on conflict situations.
Click here to see the detailed Programme of the conference.
Additionally, we are inviting you to participate in a round table with representatives of five non-governmental organisations from Poland, Estonia, Italy, Norway and the United Kingdom – participants of international project “First ADR Kit” whose aim was to develop innovative and interactive methods of teaching young people skills necessary for conflict resolution. We will also present you with the final result of the project: Handbook on conflict resolution education for young people” that includes all of the results of the project and will be distributed freely during the conference. You can learn more on our work here:
If you are a teacher, representative of an NGO, youth worker, mediator or a student interested in active participation – send us a proposal of your speech (max. 500 words) before 2nd of May 2018 to adr@strim.org.pl . We will inform you about our choice of speeches on 9th of May. We will publish chosen articles on our webpage.
The working language of the conference is English. Participation is free of charge. We are also inviting you for a dinner and networking with members of “First ADR Kit” initiative and other participants of the conference.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Wszystkich zainteresowanych uczestnictwem zarówno czynnym jak i biernym prosimy o wypełnienie krótkiego formularza rejestracyjnego do 20 maja 2018 r.