I am Aleksandra from Tallinn, Estonia. Currently the student in bachelor in the field of Social Sciences. At the same time I’m the freelancer, youth worker and the active participant of the ERASMUS+ programme. Working with youth is a huge inspiration and challenge, exactly this mix attracts me the most.
I decided to join the ADR First Kit project because it’s totally new unexplored field as for professional as private life. If talking honestly I was super interested to participate in the project but it didn’t work out at the beggining, but thank to the destiny or the situation had the chance to nevertheless to be a part of it. After the frist training in Worcester the Estonian team made lots of effort with the cooperation of NGO, other youth worker and young people to spread the idea of ADR kit. We can proudly say that we are on the way to explore more and we can already see the advantages of it.
My favourite quote related to ADR is the most powerful question WHY? I don’t remember exactly who said it but our trainers during the training were always mentioning this. During the trainign and after coming back home I am always asking myself the post powerful question ‘WHY’ to every situation in my life either connected to professional or private life. And honestly saying several months later it changed my life pretty a lot.
Back home I’ll be happy to implement even more ideas, create more materials, share the wonderful time with the participants of ADR kit and I even had a thought if it is possible to manage something more on the local level in Tallinn connected to ADR…