
On this page you can find pictures from our training courses, partner meetings and other project activities.

“Mediation in Youth Work” - conference in Krakow, Poland

On 25th of May 2018 in the Institute of Sociology of Jagiellonian University took place an interdisciplinary student conference “Mediation in Youth Work”. During this event we presented the “Handbook on conflict education for young people”. See some photos of the event.

Conference in Pesaro, Italy

Vicolocorto, partner organisation, organised on 13th of June 2018 their final, local conference. They presented the results of the project, including Handbook translated to Italian (avaiable here). Take a look at the photos of the event.

Conference in Narvik, Norway

Narviksenteret, partner organisation, organised on Wednesday 20. June their final, local conference. They presented the results of the project, including Handbook translated to norwegian (avaiable here). Take a look at the photos of the event.

Conference in Leamington Spa, UK

Consilium Development and Training, partner organisation, organised on 29. June their final, local conference. They presented the results of the project, including Handbook (avaiable here). Take a look at the photos of the event.

Conference in Tallinn, Estonia

Youth Club Active, partner organisation, organised at the end of June their final, local conference. They presented the results of the project, including Handbook tanslated to russian (avaiable here). Take a look at the photos of the event.

Project meeting in Narvik, Norway

On 8 – 12 June 2017 the project meeting for coordinators took place in Narvik, Norway. Take a look on some photos from this meeting.

Seminar in Pesaro, Italy

On 13 – 19 March 2017 the seminar on ADR in Pesaro, Italy took place. Paticipants were developing workshops and games which will help to broaden the knowledge about ADR. Here are some photos from this great event.

Training course in Worcester, UK

On 1 – 8 October 2016 the Training Course in Worcester, UK took place. Here are some photos from this amazing event that shows what happened there.

Kick-off meeting in Tallinn, Estonia

Here are some pictures from the kick-off meeting where we were working on the details of the project. The meeing took place on 12 – 14 April 2016 in beautiful Tallinn, Estonia.